FSLBOT is a low cost robot that can be used with StickOS BASIC.
Folks can now easily couple the different peripherals in any ways they want (like using the SPI flash along with the magnetometer, etc.).
This example erases a 4k page of an at25df641 64-Mbit SPI Serial Flash Memory whose chip select line is controlled thru an PCA9554 8-bit I2C-bus I/O port at i2c address 0x38.
Note that this example relies on a callback in the main program (called by the library) to set and clear the at25df641 chip select line.
10 dim word
20 rem raise cs* on pca9554 0x38 bit 0
30 gosub pca9554_init 0x38, 1, 0
40 gosub pca9554_write 0x38, 1, 1
50 rem initialize, program, and read the spi flash
60 gosub at25df641_init
70 gosub at25df641_4k_erase 0
80 word = 123
90 gosub at25df641_write 0, word
100 word = 0
110 gosub at25df641_read 0, word
120 print word
130 end
140 sub at25df641_cs cs
150 rem set cs* as requested by at25df641 subs
160 gosub pca9554_write 0x38, 1, cs
170 endsub
This program just displays the accelerometer values from the mma7455 at i2c address 0x1d:
10 dim x, y, z
20 gosub mma7455_init 0x1d
30 while 1 do
40 gosub mma7455_poll 0x1d, x, y, z
50 print hex "x = ", x, "y =", y, "z =", z
60 sleep 100 ms
70 endwhile
This example calibrates the mag3110 magnetometer at i2c address 0xe when the robot is slowly rotated, and then prints the heading in degrees from magnetic north 10 times per second. Note that this program stores the magnetometer calibration values in StickOS flash, but could just as easily store it in the atdf641 using the method above.
Note that this example relies on two callbacks in the main program (called by the library) to set and get the magnetometer calibration (min/max) values.
10 // these are our calibration values stored in flash
20 dim xminf as flash, xmaxf as flash, yminf as flash, ymaxf as flash
30 //
40 // these are our shadow calibration values stored in ram for speed
50 dim xminr, xmaxr, yminr, ymaxr
60 //
70 // this is when we last updated flash
80 dim secondsf
90 secondsf = seconds
100 //
110 // this is our interrupt pin indicating measurement complete
120 dim int as pin an3 for digital input
130 //
140 // this is our magnetometer i2c address
150 dim addr
160 addr = 0xe
170 //
180 // this is the calibrated magnetometer heading
190 dim xa, ya, deg
200 //
210 // initialize the 3110 and start taking interrupts
220 gosub mag3110_init addr
230 on int do gosub loop
240 halt
250 //
260 // poll the magnetometer x and y values and print the heading
270 sub loop
280 gosub mag3110_poll addr, xa, ya, deg
290 print "x =", xa, "y =", ya, "deg =", deg
300 endsub
310 //
320 // get the magnetometer calibration values
330 sub mag3110_getcal xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
340 // if our shadow values are not set...
350 if xminr==0&&xmaxr==0&&yminr==0&&ymaxr==0 then
360 // read flash
370 // N.B. we could just as easily read eeprom or whatever
380 xmin = xminf, xmax = xmaxf, ymin = yminf, ymax = ymaxf
390 else
400 // read shadow
410 xmin = xminr, xmax = xmaxr, ymin = yminr, ymax = ymaxr
420 endif
430 endsub
440 //
450 // set the magnetometer calibration values
460 sub mag3110_setcal xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
470 // update shadow
480 xminr = xmin, xmaxr = xmax, yminr = ymin, ymaxr = ymax
490 // if it has been ten seconds since we last updated flash...
500 if seconds>secondsf+10 then
510 // update flash
520 // N.B. we could just as easily update eeprom or whatever
530 xminf = xmin, xmaxf = xmax, yminf = ymin, ymaxf = ymax
540 secondsf = seconds
550 print "update"
560 endif
570 endsub
This example responds to touch commands on the mouth of the robot to blink the mouth LEDs, and then responds to touch commands on the left and right cheeks of the robot to walk the robot starting with the corresponding foot; a touch on the forehead stops the walk. The mpr121 touch sensor is at i2c address 0x5a and the mouth LEDs are controlled by an PCA9554 8-bit I2C-bus I/O port at i2c address 0x38.
Note that this example relies on a number of variables (including pin variables for the servos) defined by the main program for use in the walking subs, to specify the walking stride. See the subs in the library below.
10 // *** fslbot demo ***
20 // touch mouth to blink leds
30 // adjust potentiometer for walk speed
40 // touch left/right cheek to take 6 steps leading from left/right
50 // touch forehead to stop march
60 //
70 dim blink, lit // state of the mouth LEDs
80 dim right, left // counts of steps to take
90 //
100 // *** initialize our modules ***
110 gosub mpr121_init 0x5a
120 gosub fslbot_init
130 //
140 // *** configure the mpr121_isr ***
150 dim isr as pin irq7* for digital input inverted
160 on isr do gosub mpr121_isr
170 //
180 // *** configure the mouth_timer ***
190 configure timer 1 for 300 ms
200 on timer 1 do gosub mouth_timer
210 //
220 // *** configure the servo pins ***
230 dim rfoot as pin dtin0 for servo output
240 dim rhip as pin dtin1 for servo output
250 dim lhip as pin dtin2 for servo output
260 dim lfoot as pin dtin3 for servo output
270 //
280 // *** configure the walk speed potentiometer
290 dim pot as pin an6 for analog input
300 //
310 // *** set the walk stride variables ***
320 dim delay
330 dim flower, fstart, fraise, ftip, hshift
340 delay = 15
350 flower = 600, fstart = 150, fraise = 230, ftip = 50, hshift = 250
360 //
370 // *** stand square ***
380 gosub fslbot_stand_square
390 //
400 // *** main loop -- just walk ***
410 //
420 while 1 do
430 if left>right&&left>0 then
440 // lead with the left foot
450 gosub fslbot_left_step
460 left = left-2
470 elseif right>left&&right>0 then
480 // lead with the right foot
490 gosub fslbot_right_step
500 right = right-2
510 else
520 gosub fslbot_stand_square
530 endif
540 delay = pot*15/1650
550 endwhile
560 end
570 //
580 sub mpr121_isr
590 dim bits
600 // get the touch value and respond appropriately
610 gosub mpr121_poll 0x5a, bits
620 if bits&128 then
630 print "mouth"
640 blink = !blink
650 endif
660 if bits&64 then
670 print "forehead"
680 left = 0, right = 0
690 endif
700 if bits&32 then
710 print "left cheek"
720 left = 6, right = 5
730 endif
740 if bits&16 then
750 print "right cheek"
760 right = 6, left = 5
770 endif
780 endsub
790 //
800 sub mouth_timer
810 // blink all bits if we're supposed to
820 if blink then
830 lit = ~lit
840 gosub fslbot_mouth lit
850 endif
860 endsub
To load the library, type "new" and then
"auto" and then paste the library contents below. Then type "renumber 10000"
and "save library" to save the library with unique line numbers. The library
subs are then accessible to all main programs above. You can type the "subs"
command to quickly list all the subs in the library, and then type the "list
subname" command to list the BASIC lines of individual subs without having
to load them into the current program. (download
the library as a file)
rem **************************************************
rem *** at25df641, 64-Mbit SPI Serial Flash Memory ***
rem **************************************************
sub at25df641_init
rem call this to initialize an at25df641 SPI Serial Flash Memory
rem you must provide a sub at25df641_cs as a callback that will
rem manipulate the at25df641 cs* pin
dim cmd as byte, id
cmd = 0x9f // Read Manufacturer and Device ID
gosub at25df641_cs 0
qspi cmd, id
gosub at25df641_cs 1
assert id!=0&&id!=-1
sub at25df641_status status
rem call this to read the status register of an at25df641 SPI
rem Serial Flash Memory
dim cmd as byte, statusb as byte
cmd = 0x05 // Read Status Register
gosub at25df641_cs 0
qspi cmd, statusb
gosub at25df641_cs 1
status = statusb
sub at25df641_chip_erase
rem call this to erase the entire at25df641 SPI Serial Flash Memory
dim cmd as byte, status
cmd = 0x06 // Write Enable
gosub at25df641_cs 0
qspi cmd
gosub at25df641_cs 1
gosub at25df641_status status
assert (status&3)==2
cmd = 0x60 // Chip Erase
gosub at25df641_cs 0
qspi cmd
gosub at25df641_cs 1
gosub at25df641_status status
until !(status&1)
assert !status
sub at25df641_4k_erase addr
rem call this to erase a 4k page of an at25df641 SPI Serial Flash
rem Memory starting at addr
dim cmd as byte, a1 as byte, a2 as byte, a3 as byte, status
cmd = 0x06 // Write Enable
gosub at25df641_cs 0
qspi cmd
gosub at25df641_cs 1
gosub at25df641_status status
assert (status&3)==2
cmd = 0x20 // Block Erase (4-KBytes)
a1 = addr>>16, a2 = addr>>8, a3 = addr
gosub at25df641_cs 0
qspi cmd, a1, a2, a3
gosub at25df641_cs 1
gosub at25df641_status status
until !(status&1)
assert !status
sub at25df641_read addr, data
rem call this to read an arbitrary amount of data from an
rem at25df641 SPI Serial Flash Memory starting at addr
dim cmd as byte, a1 as byte, a2 as byte, a3 as byte
cmd = 0x03 // Read Array
a1 = addr>>16, a2 = addr>>8, a3 = addr
gosub at25df641_cs 0
qspi cmd, a1, a2, a3, data
gosub at25df641_cs 1
sub at25df641_write addr, data
rem call this to write an arbitrary amount of data to an
rem at25df641 SPI Serial Flash Memory starting at addr
dim cmd as byte, a1 as byte, a2 as byte, a3 as byte, status
cmd = 0x06 // Write Enable
gosub at25df641_cs 0
qspi cmd
gosub at25df641_cs 1
gosub at25df641_status status
assert (status&3)==2
cmd = 0x02 // Byte/Page Program (1 to 256 Bytes)
a1 = addr>>16, a2 = addr>>8, a3 = addr
gosub at25df641_cs 0
qspi cmd, a1, a2, a3, data
gosub at25df641_cs 1
gosub at25df641_status status
until !(status&1)
assert !status
// ********************************************
// *** fslbot, Freescale Mechatronics Robot ***
// ********************************************
sub fslbot_init
rem call this to initialize the facial LEDs of the fslbot
gosub pca9554_init 0x38, 0xfe, 0
sub fslbot_right_step
rem call this to step the right foot
lfoot = 0 // relax left foot
for rfoot = rfoot to 1500+flower step 10 // lean left
sleep delay ms
for lfoot = 1500+fstart to 1500+fraise step 10 // stand left
sleep delay ms
do // take right step
if rfoot>1500+ftip then
rfoot = rfoot-10
if rhip>1500-hshift then
rhip = rhip-10
lhip = rhip
sleep delay ms
until rfoot<=1500+fstart&&rhip<=1500-hshift
for lfoot = lfoot to 1500 step -10 // fall back right
sleep delay ms
sub fslbot_left_step
rem call this to step the left foot
rfoot = 0 // relax right foot
for lfoot = lfoot to 1500-flower step -10 // lean right
sleep delay ms
for rfoot = 1500-fstart to 1500-fraise step -10 // stand right
sleep delay ms
do // take left step
if lfoot<1500-ftip then
lfoot = lfoot+10
if lhip<1500+hshift then
lhip = lhip+10
rhip = lhip
sleep delay ms
until lfoot>=1500-fstart&&lhip>=1500+hshift
for rfoot = rfoot to 1500 step 10 // fall back left
sleep delay ms
sub fslbot_stand_square
rem call this to stand square
rfoot = 1500, rhip = 1500, lhip = 1500, lfoot = 1500
sub fslbot_mouth leds
rem call this to update the facial LEDs of the fslbot
gosub pca9554_write 0x38, 0xfe, leds
rem *************************************************
rem *** mag3110, Three-Axis, Digital Magnetometer ***
rem *************************************************
sub mag3110_init addr
rem initialize the magnetometer to take 10Hz measurements
dim reg as byte, data as byte
// make sure we're talking to the 3110
reg = 7 // who_am_i
i2c start addr
i2c write reg
i2c read data
i2c stop
assert data==0xc4
// initialize the 3110
restore mag3110_init_data
while 1 do
read reg, data
if reg==255 then
i2c start addr
i2c write reg, data
i2c stop
label mag3110_init_data
data 0x11, 0x80 // enable automatic resets
data 0x10, 0x69 // 10Hz
data 255, 255
sub mag3110_poll addr, xa, ya, deg
rem poll the magnetometer x and y values and return the heading
dim reg as byte, data as byte, x as short, y as short
reg = 1 // out_x_msb, out_x_lsb, out_y_msb, out_y_lsb
i2c start addr
i2c write reg
i2c read x, y
i2c stop
// sign extend the x and y values
xa = x, ya = y
if x&0x8000 then
xa = xa|0xffff0000
if y&0x8000 then
ya = ya|0xffff0000
// calibrate the x and y values based on mix/max
gosub mag3110_cal xa, ya
// compute and print the heading
gosub mag3110_heading xa, ya, deg
sub mag3110_heading x, y, deg
rem compute the heading in degrees from x and y values
dim q, xq, yq, i, s100, rad100, deg100
// normalize x and y to the first quadrant
if x>=0&&y>=0 then
q = 0, xq = x, yq = y
elseif x<0&&y<0 then
q = 2, xq = -x, yq = -y
elseif x<0 then
q = 3, xq = y, yq = -x
assert y<0
q = 1, xq = -y, yq = x
assert xq>=0&&yq>=0
// N.B. we use 100x scale for integers in this routine
// our arctangent approximation only works for y<=x
if yq>xq then
i = 1, s100 = xq*100/yq
if xq then
i = 0, s100 = yq*100/xq
i = 0, s100 = 0 // we must not be calibrated
// arctangent(s) = s/(1+0.28*s^2)
rad100 = s100*100/(100+28*s100*s100/100/100)
if i then
// arctangent(s) = pi/2 - arctangent(1/s)
rad100 = 314/2-rad100
// convert back to degrees and denormalize the quadrant
deg100 = 9000*rad100/(314/2)
if q==1 then
deg100 = deg100+27000
elseif q==2 then
deg100 = deg100+18000
elseif q==3 then
deg100 = deg100+9000
// N.B. transform magnetic north for mag orientation
deg = (deg100/100+90)%360
sub mag3110_cal x, y
rem calibrate the magnetometer min and max x and y values
dim xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
// get the initial calibration values
gosub mag3110_getcal xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
if x<xmin||!xmin then
xmin = x
if x>xmax||!xmax then
xmax = x
if y<ymin||!ymin then
ymin = y
if y>ymax||!ymax then
ymax = y
// set the updated calibration values
gosub mag3110_setcal xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
// calibrate the caller's values
x = x-(xmax+xmin)/2, y = y-(ymax+ymin)/2
rem ********************************************************
rem *** mma7455, Three Axis Digital Output Accelerometer ***
rem ********************************************************
sub mma7455_init addr
rem initialize the mma7455 at i2c addr
dim cmd as byte, data as byte
cmd = 0x16, data = 0x01 // Mode control
i2c start addr
i2c write cmd, data
i2c stop
sub mma7455_poll addr, x, y, z
rem poll the mma7455 at i2c addr for the x, y, and z values
dim cmd as byte, xb as byte, yb as byte, zb as byte
cmd = 0x6 // 8 bits output value X
i2c start addr
i2c write cmd
i2c read xb, yb, zb
i2c stop
x = xb, y = yb, z = zb
// ************************************************************
// *** mpr121, Proximity Capacitive Touch Sensor Controller ***
// ************************************************************
sub mpr121_init addr
rem just follow AN3944: MPR121 Quick Start Guide
dim i
dim r as byte, d as byte
i2c start addr
for i = 1 to 0x17 step 2
r = 0x40+i, d = 0xf
i2c write r, d
r = 0x41+i, d = 0xa
i2c write r, d
restore mpr121_init_data
read r, d
i2c write r, d
until r==0x5e
i2c stop
label mpr121_init_data
data 0x2b, 0x1, 0x2c, 0x1, 0x2d, 0x0, 0x2e, 0x0
data 0x2f, 0x1, 0x30, 0x1, 0x31, 0xff, 0x32, 0x2
data 0x5d, 0x4, 0x7b, 0xb, 0x7d, 0x9c, 0x7e, 0x65
data 0x7f, 0x8c, 0x5e, 0x8c
sub mpr121_poll addr, bits
rem read and return both bytes of the touch register
dim r as byte, r0 as byte, r1 as byte
i2c start addr
r = 0
i2c write r
i2c read r0, r1
i2c stop
bits = r1<<8|r0
// ***************************************
// *** PCA9554, 8-bit I2C-bus I/O port ***
// ***************************************
sub pca9554_init addr, mask, input
rem configure mask bits of the port for input
dim cmd as byte, data as byte
cmd = 3
i2c start addr
i2c write cmd
i2c read data
i2c stop
cmd = 3, data = (data&~mask)|(input&mask)
i2c start addr
i2c write cmd, data
i2c stop
sub pca9554_write addr, mask, value
rem update mask bits of the output port to value
dim cmd as byte, data as byte
cmd = 1
i2c start addr
i2c write cmd
i2c read data
i2c stop
cmd = 1, data = (data&~mask)|(value&mask)
i2c start addr
i2c write cmd, data
i2c stop
sub pca9554_read addr, value
rem read the input port
dim cmd as byte, data as byte
cmd = 0
i2c start addr
i2c write cmd
i2c read data
i2c stop
value = data