This is the toaster oven temperature profile controller example:
(Please note that as of v1.40, a sleep unit specifier -- s, ms, or us -- was added to the sleep statement.)
(Please note that as of v1.84, the units of servo output pins was changed from centi-milliseconds (cms) to microseconds (us).)

10 dim target, secs
20 dim thermocouple as pin an0 for analog input
30 dim relay as pin an1 for digital output
40 data 512, 90, 746, 105, 894, 20, -1, -1
50 configure timer 0 for 1000 ms
60 on timer 0 do gosub adjust
70 while target!=-1 do
80   sleep secs s
90   read target, secs
100 endwhile
110 let relay = 0
120 end
130 sub adjust
140   if thermocouple>=target then
150     let relay = 0
160   else
170     let relay = 1
180   endif
190 endsub

This is the LCD digital thermometer, displaying both Celsius and Fahrenheit:
(Please note that as of v1.40, a sleep unit specifier --
s, ms, or us -- was added to the sleep statement.)
(Please note that as of v1.84, the units of servo output pins was changed from centi-milliseconds (cms) to microseconds (us).)

10 dim temp, line1$[32], line2$[32], blink$[2]
20 let blink$ = " *"
30 gosub initdisplay
40 while 1 do
50   gosub gettemp temp
60   vprint line1$ = temp, "degrees C"
70   vprint line2$ = temp*9/5+32, "degrees F", blink$[seconds%2:1]
80   gosub display line1, line2
90   sleep 500 ms
100 endwhile
110 end
120 rem --- gettemp ---
130 sub gettemp temp
140   dim cmd as byte, rsp[2] as byte
150   let cmd = 0
160   i2c start 0x48
170   i2c write cmd
180   i2c read rsp
190   i2c stop
200   let temp = rsp[0]
210 endsub
220 rem --- display ---
230 sub display line1, line2
240   dim cmd1 as byte, data as byte, cmd2 as byte
250   let cmd1 = 0x80, data = 0x2, cmd2 = 0x40
260   i2c start 0x3c
270   i2c write cmd1, data, cmd2, line1
280   i2c stop
290   let cmd1 = 0x80, data = 0xc0, cmd2 = 0x40
300   i2c start 0x3c
310   i2c write cmd1, data, cmd2, line2
320   i2c stop
330 endsub
340 rem --- initdisplay ---
350 sub initdisplay
360   dim i, init[10] as byte
370   for i = 1 to init#
380     read init[i-1]
390   next
400   i2c start 0x3c
410   i2c write init
420   i2c stop
430   sleep 100 ms
440 endsub
450 data 0, 0x38, 0x39, 0x14, 0x78, 0x5e, 0x6d, 0xc, 0x1, 0x6

This example implements a wireless remote LED dimmer, using two CPUStick and the 2.4GHz zigflea wireless transport from two IOSticks.
(Please note that as of v1.40, a sleep unit specifier --
s, ms, or us -- was added to the sleep statement.)
(Please note that as of v1.84, the units of servo output pins was changed from centi-milliseconds (cms) to microseconds (us).)

On nodeid 1, which is the node connected to the potentiometer:

10 dim potentiometer as pin an0 for analog input
20 dim led as remote on nodeid 2
30 while 1 do
40   let led = potentiometer
50   sleep 100 ms
60 endwhile

On nodeid 2, which is the node connected to the LED:

10 dim led as pin dtin0 for analog output
20 while 1 do
30 endwhile

Just for fun, this example runs a single-player accelerometer-based pong/paddleball game with sound effects on the Badge Board!
(Please note that as of v1.40, a sleep unit specifier -- s, ms, or us -- was added to the sleep statement.)
(Please note that as of v1.84, the units of servo output pins was changed from centi-milliseconds (cms) to microseconds (us).)

10 dim x, y, xv, yv, p

20 rem --- interface to the accelerometer ---
30 dim gsel1 as pin ptc4 for digital output
40 dim gsel2 as pin ptc5 for digital output
50 dim sleep as pin ptc3 for digital output inverted
60 dim tilt as pin ptb5 for analog input inverted
70 let gsel1 = 0, gsel2 = 0, sleep = 0

80 rem --- interface to the buzzer ---
90 dim audio as pin ptf2 for frequency output

100 rem --- timer to update paddle position ---
110 configure timer 1 for 50 ms
120 on timer 1 do gosub paddle

130 rem --- main program loop ---
140 while 1 do
150   rem --- new game ---
160   let x = 0, y = 0, xv = 1, yv = 1, p = 4
170   jmclear -1, -1
180   jmset y, x
190   sleep 3 s

200   rem --- main game loop ---
210   while 1 do
220     rem --- clear old ball position ---
230     jmclear y, x

240     rem --- integrate the new ball position ---
250     let x = x+xv, y = y+yv

260     rem --- if we hit an edge ---
270     if x==0||x==15 then
280       rem --- bounce horizontal ---
290       let xv = -xv
300     endif

310     rem --- if we hit the bottom ---
320     if y==4 then
330       rem --- if the paddle was nowhere close ---
340       if x<p-2||x>p+2 then
350         rem --- you lose ---
360         gosub lose
370         break
380       elseif x<p-1&&xv==1||x>p+1&&xv==-1 then
390         rem --- we hit the edge of the paddle ---
400         rem --- bounce horizontal ---
410         let xv = -xv
420       endif
430     endif

440     rem --- if we hit the bottom or top ---
450     if y==0||y==4 then
460       rem --- bounce vertical ---
470       let yv = -yv
480     endif

490     rem --- set new ball position ---
500     jmset y, x

510     rem --- beep and delay ---
520     let audio = 100
530     sleep 100 ms
540     let audio = 0
550     sleep 100 ms
560   endwhile
570 endwhile

580 sub paddle
590   rem --- clear the old paddle position ---
600   jmclear 4, p-1
610   jmclear 4, p
620   jmclear 4, p+1
630   rem --- integrate the new paddle position from accelerometer ---
640   let p = p+(tilt-1650)/100
650   rem --- bound us by the screen ---
660   if p<1 then
670     let p = 1
680   elseif p>14 then
690     let p = 14
700   endif
710   rem --- set the new paddle position ---
720   jmset 4, p-1
730   jmset 4, p
740   jmset 4, p+1
750 endsub

760 sub lose
770   rem --- hold off timer interrupts ---
780   mask timer 1
790   rem --- scroll the message ---
800   jmclear -1, -1
810   jmscroll "you lose"
820   rem --- play a dropping scale ---
830   let audio = 5000
840   do
850     sleep 50 ms
860     let audio = audio*11/12
870   until audio<400
880   let audio = 0
890   rem --- wait for the message to scroll ---
900   jmscroll " "
910   rem --- resume a new game ---
920   unmask timer 1
930 endsub