The Firebird32 is a low cost development board that can be used with StickOS BASIC or the C Flexisframework.


Introduction to StickOS BASIC Programming on the Firebird32

Check your Firebird32 jumpers: Setting the Firebird32 Jumpers

If your Firebird32 did not come with StickOS BASIC preinstalled, see: Loading StickOS BASIC onto your Firebird32 using USBDM

If you have not yet connected to your Firebird32 MCU with Tera Term, see: Connecting to the Firebird32 MCU with Tera Term

Start the Tera Term terminal emulator and connect to your Firebird32.

You can access the StickOS BASIC online help thru the "help" command:

Welcome to StickOS for Freescale MCF51JM128 Firebird32 v1.84b!
Copyright (c) 2008-2010; all rights reserved.
(checksum 0x1c3)
> help
for more information:
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help variables
help pins
help zigflea

see also:
> _

First, let's get acquainted with the Firebird32 pin names:

> help pins
pin names:
  a0-a7, 0-13
  pta[0-5], ptc[0-1,3-6], ptd[0,3-7], pte7, ptf[5,7], ptg[0-2]


all pins support general purpose digital input/output
a?, 7 = potential analog input pins (mV)
3,5,6,8,9,10,11 = potential analog output (PWM) pins (mV)
3,5,6,8,9,10,11 = potential servo output (PWM) pins (us)
3,5,6,8,9,10,11 = potential frequency output pins (Hz)
> _

This shows that the basic arduino-shield pin names are as follows:

shield analog pins a0 - a7 a0 - a7
shield digital pins 0 - 13 0 - 13

Pins a0 - a7 can be used for analog input into the MCU.  Pins 0 - 13 can be used for digital input or output into or out of the MCU.  In addition, digital pins 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11 can be used for analog output, servo output, or frequency output out of the MCU.

In StickOS BASIC, MCU pins are bound to ordinary program variables and then can be examined or manipulated, both in a BASIC program as well as interactively from the command line, using any BASIC statements that can access variables, such as "print" or "let".

These "pin variables" are declared with the following statement:

dim varpin as pin pinname for (digital|analog|servo|frequency|uart) (input|output) \
                              [debounced] [inverted] [open_drain]

This means you can examine analog input pin a0, in millivolts, like:

> dim pot as pin a0 for analog input
> print pot
> _

You can examine digital input pin 1 like:

> dim switch as pin 1 for digital input
> print switch
> _

You can manipulate digital output pin 2 like:

> dim led as pin 2 for digital output
> let led=0
> _

And for pins 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11 you can also use the PWM functions of analog output (millivolts), servo output (microseconds), or frequency output (Hz), like:

> dim motor as pin 3 for servo output
> let motor=1000
> _

Replace the keyword "servo" with "analog" or "frequency" for the other output pin types.

To clear variable and pin definitions (so they can be redefined), do:

> clear
> _

From the Firebird32 schematic, in addition to the arduino-shield pins of a0-a7, 0-13, there are a few other pins connected to the internal components on the board.

These pins are as follows:

switch ptg0
buzzer ptf5
rgb anode (+) ptg1
rgb red cathode (-) 5  (pte3)
rgb green cathode (-) 3  (pte2)
rgb blue cathode (-) 9  (ptf1)
eeprom write protect ptg2
scl ptc0
sda ptc1
txd2 ptc3
rxd2 ptc5
tx can ptf7
rx can ptc6
spi chip select pte7
spi chip select ptc4

Now let's make the buzzer on the board sound 440 Hz:

> dim buzzer as pin ptf5 for frequency output
> let buzzer=440
> _

The first line configures the MCU pin connected to the buzzer (ptf5) for frequency output, and the second line sets it generating a 440Hz tone.

And now let's turn it off again:

> let buzzer=0
> _

Pretty darn easy!

Now let's make the green LED (of the rgb LED on the board)) blink.  This is a bit tougher since we have to configure the anode of the LED to +V as well as blink the cathode of the LED.  We can write a trivial BASIC program to do this:

> new
> 10 dim anode as pin ptg1 for digital output
> 20 dim green as pin 3 for digital output
> 40 let anode=1
> 50 while 1 do
> 60   let green=!green
> 70   sleep 500ms
> 80 endwhile
> save
> run

The first command, "new", clears any existing BASIC program.  The next 8 lines of code are the program itself, which configures the MCU pin connected to the anode of the LED (ptg1) as an output and binds it to the variable "anode", and then configures the MCU pin connected to the green cathode of the LED (arduino-shield pin 3) as an output and binds it to the variable "green".  From then on examination or modification of those variables is reflected immediately at the corresponding MCU pin.  Then, we set the anode of the LED to a high voltage, and finally we enter a program infinite loop that inverts the state of the green cathode every 500ms!

The command "save" causes the program to be saved to non-volatile flash memory (initially, new program lines and changed program lines are entered into RAM, to preserve flash memory lifetime).  The command "run" causes the program to run, and the green LED should be blinking (in addition to the heartbeat LED)!

Press <Ctrl-C> to stop the program:

STOP at line 70!
> _

The program stopped at line 70.

At this point, you can make the green LED blink yourself!  Enter the following lines and watch the green LED:

> let green=!green
> let green=!green
> let green=!green
> _

Once you have entered a line, you can use the up-arrow cursor key to recall previously entered lines.  You can use the right-and-left arrow keys to move the cursor and insert or delete (with backspace) characters.

It we want to change the program to blink faster, we need simply edit line 70, using the "edit" command as follows:

> edit 70
> 70 sleep 500 ms_

Note that the cursor is at the end of the line; you can move it left to the last "0" in "500" and backspace to erase it; then press <Enter>:

> 70 sleep 50 ms
> _

Now list the program with the "list" command:

> list
  10 dim anode as pin ptg1 for digital output
  20 dim green as pin 3 for digital output
  40 let anode = 1
  50 while 1 do
  60   let green = !green
  70   sleep 50 ms
  80 endwhile
> _

And you can continue the changed program running from where it stopped previously with the "cont" command:

> cont

Notice the green LED now blinks 10x faster.

Again, press <Ctrl-C> to stop the program:

STOP at line 70!
> _

As one final tweak, we can make the green LED stop blinking whenever the switch on the board (not the reset switch!) is pressed, with:

> 5 dim switch as pin ptg0 for digital input inverted
> 55 if !switch then
> 65 endif
> list
  5 dim switch as pin ptg0 for digital input inverted
  10 dim anode as pin ptg1 for digital output
  20 dim green as pin 3 for digital output
  40 let anode = 1
  50 while 1 do
  55   if !switch then
  60     let green = !green
  65   endif
  70 sleep 50 ms
  80 endwhile
> run

Line 5 configures the MCU pin connected to the switch (ptg0) as an input and binds it to the variable "switch" with an inverted sense (since the circuit ties the MCU pin to ground when the switch is pressed).  Line 55 says that if the switch is not pressed, do line 60 (which makes the green LED blink).  Line 65 ends the if condition started at line 55.

Notice the green LED now stops blinking when you press the switch.

Again, press <Ctrl-C> to stop the program:

STOP at line 70!
> _

Finally, if we insert many lines in the program this way, it makes the program look cleaner to then renumber the lines with the "renumber" command:

> renumber
> list
10 dim switch as pin ptg0 for digital input inverted
20 dim anode as pin ptg1 for digital output
30 dim green as pin 3 for digital output
40 let anode = 1
50 while 1 do
60   if !switch then
70     let green = !green
80   endif
90   sleep 50 ms
100 endwhile
> _

Notice that the lines are evenly numbered by 10 again.

For a whirlwind tour of StickOS BASIC, be sure to download the StickOS Quick Reference guide.

Also see the full online StickOS User's Guide, or the StickOS User's Guide in PDF format.

Have fun!

Setting the Firebird32 Jumpers

In general there is no need to ever move jumpers D6 or D10 off the PWM position; you may always refer to these lines as pins "6" or "10".

Set jumper D11 to MOSI to use SPI, and to PWM otherwise; note that to use SPI in StickOS BASIC you must explicitly toggle a chip select line (often pin "10").

Set jumpers A4 and A5 to SDA and SCL to use I2C, and to A4 and A5 otherwise.

Connecting to the Firebird32 MCU with Tera Term

  1. Download the cpustick.inf file to your desktop from:
  2. Install the cpustick.inf file by right-clicking on it and selecting "Install"
  3. Connect your Firebird32 to the PC via the USB cable
  4. Allow Windows to automatically install hardware (you should see "CPUStick" detected and installed)
  5. Download Tera Term from:
  6. (optional, since Tera Term has the same functionality built-in) Open Device Manager and determine the "CPUStick" COM port assigned to your Firebird32:
  7. Launch Tera Term and select the "serial" port option and then the "CPUStick" COM port discovered above, and then "OK":
  8. Press <Enter> for a command prompt:

Loading StickOS BASIC onto your Firebird32 using USBDM CFV1_FlashProgrammer

  1. Download the Firebird32 S19 file from:
  2. Download the latest USBDM Package and unpack it into a directory
  3. Connect your USBDM to the PC via the USB cable, and connect the Firebird32 to the USBDM via the ribbon cable, being careful to note the pin 1 locations on the ribbon cable and header
  4. Run the file "CFV1_FlashProgrammer.exe" from "...\Win32\Utilities\CFV1_FlashProgrammer.exe"

    Notice that USBDM is detected, above.
  5. Switch to the Target tab, select "Load Hex Files", and browse to your S19 file and click "Open"

    Notice that your S19 file is loaded, above.
  6. Select "Program Flash" to program the S19 file to your Firebird32; after a delay you will see:
  7. You're done -- disconnect the Firebird32 from the USBDM and reset it; the heartbeat LED on pin d13 should be blinking!
  8. If you're running a Firebird32 Nano or Mini (or if you're running the Firebird32 without a keypad), you probably want to run the following command to disable keypad scanning: pins kbd_s0 none

Configuring HiWave.exe to use the USBDM (advanced, optional)

  1. Download the Firebird32 S19 file from:
  2. Install CodeWarrior 6.3  (Note that this can also be achieved with CodeWarrior 10.1 (Eclipse IDE), but I have not done that.)
  3. Download the latest USBDM Package and unpack it into a directory
  4. In the directory, there is a script that will modify your CodeWarrior installation; view it and run: "...\Win32\Install Codewarrior Files.cmd"
  5. Run the HiWave.exe program in the CodeWarrior 6.3 installation directory ("C:\Program Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.3\prog\hiwave.exe")
  6. Connect your USBDM to the PC via the USB cable, and connect the Firebird32 to the USBDM via the ribbon cable, being careful to note the pin 1 locations on the ribbon cable and header
  7. Under Component -> Set Connection, select: "COLDFIRE" and "CFV1 Open Source BDM"
  8. Then set the MCU derivative to: "MCF51JM128"
  9. Select "CFV1 Open Source BDM" -> "Flash..." from the HiWave.exe menu...
  10. Select the primary "FLASH" Module and click "Erase" to erase it.
  11. Click "Load..." and navigate to the Firebird32 S19 file you downloaded above, and click "Open" to program the S19 file to your Firebird32; you will see:
  12. You're done -- disconnect the Firebird32 from the USBDM and reset it; the heartbeat LED on pin d13 should be blinking!
  13. If you're running a Firebird32 Nano or Mini (or if you're running the Firebird32 without a keypad), you probably want to run the following command to disable keypad scanning: pins kbd_s0 none

The Firebird32 Demo Program:

This program plays Yankee Doodle on the buzzer three times while cycling the RGB LED thru a sequence of colors.  It scans the switch on the board for an indication to silence playback early.  It also initialized the LCD display (if attached) and scans the keypad (if attached) and displays pressed keys on the LCD.  Finally, it queries the console (USB or UART) for input and if input is found, displays that on the LCD as well.

 10 dim n, text$[16]
 20 rem --- kdb ---
 30 on keychar do lcd n%2, keychar$
 40 rem --- buzzer ---
 50 dim plays, note, sustain, scale[13]
 60 dim notes[40] as byte, octave[40] as byte, duration[40] as byte
 70 dim cancel as pin ptg0 for digital input inverted
 80 dim buzzer as pin ptf5 for frequency output
 90 gosub buzinit
100 configure timer 1 for 250 ms
110 on timer 1 do gosub buznote
120 rem --- rgb ---
130 dim rgb
140 dim red as pin 5 for analog output inverted
150 dim green as pin 3 for analog output inverted
160 dim blue as pin 9 for analog output inverted
170 dim vcc as pin ptg1 for digital output
180 let vcc = 1
190 configure timer 2 for 100 ms
200 on timer 2 do gosub rgbcycle
210 rem --- main loop ---
220 let text$ = "Firebird"
230 lcd 0, text$
240 let text$ = "CFV1"
250 lcd 1, text$
260 while 1 do
270   input text$
280   lcd n%2, text$
290   let n = n+1
300 endwhile
310 end
320 rem --- sub buznote ---
330 sub buznote
340   if cancel||plays>=3 then
350     let buzzer = 0
360     off timer 1
370     return
380   endif
390   if sustain then
400     let sustain = sustain-1
410     return
420   endif
430   if !duration[note] then
440     let note = 0
450     let plays = plays+1
460   endif
470   let buzzer = scale[notes[note]]*octave[note]
480   let sustain = 4/duration[note]-1
490   let note = note+1
500 endsub
510 rem --- sub buzinit ---
520 sub buzinit
530   dim i
540   restore buzdata
550   while 1 do
560     read notes[i], octave[i], duration[i]
570     if !duration[i] then
580       break
590     endif
600     let i = i+1
610   endwhile
620   for i = 0 to 12
630     read scale[i]
640   next
650   read i
660   assert i==-1
670 endsub
680 label buzdata
690 data 10, 1, 4, 10, 1, 4, 12, 1, 4, 2, 2, 4
700 data 10, 1, 4, 2, 2, 4, 12, 1, 4, 5, 1, 4
710 data 10, 1, 4, 10, 1, 4, 12, 1, 4, 2, 2, 4
720 data 10, 1, 2, 9, 1, 2
730 data 10, 1, 4, 10, 1, 4, 12, 1, 4, 2, 2, 4
740 data 3, 2, 4, 2, 2, 4, 12, 1, 4, 10, 1, 4
750 data 9, 1, 4, 5, 1, 4, 7, 1, 4, 9, 1, 4
760 data 10, 1, 2, 10, 1, 2
770 data 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1
780 data 0, 0, 0
790 data 440, 466, 494, 523, 554, 587
800 data 622, 659, 698, 740, 784, 831, 880
810 data -1
820 rem --- sub rgbcycle ---
830 sub rgbcycle
840   let rgb = (rgb+analog/10)%(analog*3)
850   if rgb<analog then
860     let green = rgb, red = analog-rgb, blue = 0
870   elseif rgb<analog*2 then
880     let blue = rgb-analog, green = analog*2-rgb, red = 0
890   else
900     let red = rgb-analog*2, blue = analog*3-rgb, green = 0
910   endif
920 endsub

Note that for the Firebird32 Nano or Mini the following lines should be substituted for those above:

140 dim red as pin pte3 for analog output inverted
150 dim green as pin pte2 for analog output inverted
160 dim blue as pin ptf1 for analog output inverted